Habits That Changed Everything

Change Your Life with Good Habits and Regain Your Power to Be Happy

Nicssen Leong, PhD
5 min readOct 18, 2021


Habits That Changed Everything is a book about the author’s personal journey to a better life. In this book, you’ll hear the voice of someone who found himself on the receiving end of a slap upside the head delivered by fate itself.

From spending 5 nights a week on a barstool at the corner bar while nurturing a two-pack-a-day cigarette smoking habit and eating way too much-fried food and ramen, our hero catapulted himself into a life-filled with satisfaction and happiness.

Does it sound too good to be true? Well, it’s not. This book is about finding the “you” that was always in there, lurking in the fog of whatever bad habits you’ve become a slave to. But it’s not just about losing those bad habits. This book explores exchanging bad habits for good ones.

Alcohol Recovery For Women & Men

The author not only reduced his reliance on alcohol as a social lubricant; this brave soul also cut his cigarette smoking down to almost nothing by reviving his passion for long-distance cross country running.

Who knew that you couldn’t run over hill and dale with a lit cigarette dangling from the corner of your mouth?

All it took was one horrible incident to change the author’s attitude and set the wheels of change in motion. Sometimes, a horrible incident is exactly what the doctor ordered!

Habits That Changed Your Life

In this book, you’ll discover

  • The amazing power of embarrassing yourself in front of your entire family
  • That breaking bad habit means grieving your former unhappy, unhealthy lifestyle
  • That your “friends” were never really friends and that they can be readily replaced
  • How to figure out what caused you to form habits that are out to get you (into an early grave)
  • The Top 10 Reasons to Lose the Booze
  • All about Moderation Maintenance and how you can adapt it to your individual needs
  • How exercise can make you understand what heavy smoking is doing to your body and wellbeing
  • The Top 10 Reasons to Cut Down on Your Smoking
  • Why sustainability is a keyword in any lifestyle change you want to make stick
  • Why fast food is not food
  • How real food revolutionizes your life, health, and wellbeing (and fuels your good habits)
  • The Top 10 Reasons to Reduce Your Fast Food Intake
  • Why do you need to drink enough water (and not just for your skin)
  • How you can learn to love yourself so others can love you, too
  • How bad habits sabotage your life and happiness
  • How to get back into a social life that’s healthy and honest
  • How pre-adult trauma can set us up for bad habits
  • Why this moment is the only moment that matters.

In Habits That Changed Everything, you’ll meet someone just like you — an average person who’d gone off the rails and wanted to get back on the cheery choo-choo train of life.

Habits To Change Your Mind: Affirmations And Manifestations

Join the author for a first-person journey to a better, happier life, driven by self-love and the good habits that change everything.


Once upon a time, not so long ago in a land not so far away, I was stuck. Yeah, me.

I was stuck in life. I was unhappy with my job. I had no dreams, little enthusiasm, and the energy of a 90-year-old…and I’m not even half that age, for Pete’s sake!

Being stuck is no fun. You feel that your feet are rooted to the same spot, just like a tree. You feel that you’ve left change too long and that it’s too late to do anything about the way things are. You blame other people when you’re stuck: you blame your boss, your spouse, your friends, the weather, the bus that came late, the horse that didn’t come in at the track.

When you’re stuck, you can’t see reality for what it is. You’re too busy being angry at the way things “have turned out.”

And that attitude is what will put you in an early grave.

I was well on my way to that untimely fate. And I’d worked so hard to convince myself that I was beyond redemption that I was willing to dig the grave myself and just get a passerby to push me in.

Pathetic, I know.

But then, something happened. It seemed accidental at the time. It seemed random. But now I know that it was exactly the right event occurring at the right time and that it was destined to happen exactly how and when it did.

What happened is what this book is all about. What happened is that I got the cosmic kick in the pants I needed to become unstuck and get moving.

In this book, I’m going to share with you what got me unstuck and what I did after that happened to transform my life and enjoy my newfound freedom from my more ill-intended angels. But, in case you came here for magic formulas or special potions or something, you need to know there’s nothing magical or special about what I did.

There is only your commitment to change, some simple changes to your life (some are harder than others, but if I can do it, you can), and your firm resolution to reach out for the good things that life has in store for you. Believe me — there are loads of good things to be had.

One of those things is happiness, and who doesn’t want that? Because when you’re happy, things tend to fall into place.

So, let me tell you my story and about the habits that changed everything for me and can do the same for you. Let me get you excited about bringing the needed change to your life and help you regain your power to be happy!

Check out the ‘Look Inside’ feature on Amazon to read more about changing bad habits to good habits — Habits That Changed Everything



Nicssen Leong, PhD

A Retired Prof. of I.S., Passionate about Tech., Life, Relationships, & Metaphysics. Consultant at http://bit.ly/metaphysicssystems