33 Rules For Life

Master Your Emotions with Wisdom and Gratitude

Nicssen Leong, PhD
8 min readNov 22, 2021
rules for life hard copy master your emotions with wisdom and gratitude

Have you ever heard the saying, “With age comes wisdom”?

The implication is that we grow wiser as we grow older. But why is that? Do the years we accumulate automatically make us wiser? Or do the experiences we have throughout these years teach us about the world and how to make good judgments and decisions?

No matter where you are in life, whether you are a child or an elder, you have access to wisdom. We simply do not take the time to be still and understand how life experiences can teach us these life lessons. Instead, we go through our daily routines, content with only the minimal lessons we learn unconsciously. Our vision gets clouded by the distractions and emotional upheavals of life and we miss out on true connection and joy.

There is a way to find a path much deeper and more meaningful than that. As we practice our way of life, we will have many different experiences. Some of these experiences are good and easy, others are hard and difficult. But in both cases, there is wisdom to discover and peace to be found if we can learn to control our thoughts and emotions.

I invite you to explore these 33 rules for mastering your emotions and enriching your life. I hope you will use these short chapters as guides to explore both the dark and light places in your understanding of the world. Take time to self-reflect to squeeze as much knowledge and understanding you can from them. They have much to offer you if you will open your heart and mind.

Compelling short stories of the rules

Rule 1: Embrace Self-Determination As Your Purpose In Life

Rule 2: Take Your Time To Reflect On Lessons Learned

Rule 3: Commit To Ethical Conducts

Rule 4: Understand The Concept Of Nothingness

Rule 5: Love With Your Heart And Love Not With Your Mind

Rule 6: Offer & Seek Love Within The Soul And The Heart

Rule 7: Impermanence: Let Go Of What Has Been

Rule 8: Celebrate Your Emotions And Feelings With Grace

Rule 9: Seek The Power Of Happiness In Loneliness & Lonesomeness

Rule 10: Honor Your Parents And By Not Hurting Yourself

Rule 11: Refrain From Evil Deeds

Rule 12: Understand The Karmic Laws Of Cause And Effect

Rule 13: Live A Selfless And Empathetic Life

Rule 14: Abandon The Cycle Of Obsessions

Rule 15: See Beyond The Interconnectedness Of All Things

Rule 16: Embrace Impermanence To Cultivate Personal Well Being

Rule 17: Understanding The Essence Of Temporality

Rule 18: Practice Compassion & Social Virtue

Rule 19: Live In The Present Moment

Rule 20: Display Your Kindness And Compassion Daily

Rule 21: Practice The Right Attitude And Mindfulness

Rule 22: Cultivate Your Path To Daily Wisdom & Happiness Rather Than The Mystery Of Life

Rule 23: Understand The Rules Of The Physical Laws of Nature

Rule 24: Practice Your Intentions To Good Habits

Rule 25: Harmonizing Generosity With Virtue

Rule 26: The Act Of Nobility In Righteousness

Rule 27: Leave Cause And Effect To Fate

Rule 28: Act-On Your Realistic Hope

Rule 29: Attuned Your Existence: Being True To Yourself

Rule 30: Be Calm To Acquire Enlightenment

Rule 31: Be Unmoved By Emotions To Reach The State Of Mindfulness

Rule 32: Strengthen Your Heart To Wisdom And Mindfulness

Rule 33: Be Grounded By The Principles Of The 33 Rules For Life

The Season of Gratitude


Dear Reader,

Take a moment and examine the current state of your heart. What are you feeling? Are you excited? Anxious? Overwhelmed? Are you battling the daily responsibilities of your mind in order to stay focused on these words?

Throughout any typical day, there are many distractions and diversions that seek to derail us. If we allow them to, these challenges can steal our peace and corrupt our hearts. However, when we acknowledge that life is ever-changing, full of various phenomena and dynamic experiences, we completely shift away from the idea that things happen to us, and towards the idea that things just happen. As participants in this world, we are connected to everything around us. We can therefore be involved in the things that are happening.

What we do with this involvement dictates the outcome. In any situation, there is wisdom to be gained from the experience. This wisdom is only accessible when we are willing to observe the world from a detached yet compassionate perspective. Although things are happening all around us — with or without our involvement — we can still affect change.

It starts with our emotions. Our emotions often result in suffering. Rather, the pursuit of manipulating our emotions is the source of much of our pain and suffering. We learn early to pursue the things that make us feel good and avoid the things that make us feel bad. Despite the belief that this basic thinking disappears as we get older, the truth is that it extends well unto death. We are always pursuing or running from something.

True happiness does not reside in the pursuit of the things that we believe will make us happy. We do not achieve peace by avoiding the things that make life difficult.

Happiness and peace come from the acceptance of life as it happens. It comes from our recognition that life is ever-changing and we simply occupy a form in this space.

Ambition and achievement have their place, of course. But the pursuit of success for the sake of feeling “good” is pointless, for the feeling is fleeting. If we only gain pleasure from achieving our goals, and we finally achieve them, then what is left for us? Another achievement? Will we continue to achieve until our bodies break down and we are no longer able to be happy?

By practicing mindfulness and acceptance, we can experience peace. One way we achieve this is through the practice of gratitude. Gratitude has a way of changing our perspective and understanding of the world. We learn to appreciate even the most mundane or tumultuous experiences. Everything may not be all roses and sunshine, but we start to notice that just as there are plenty of bad things, there are also good. The world is full of good things changing to bad then back to good. Good people make mistakes and do bad things. Bad people discover redemption and do good. Gratitude draws us into a world where we can find that good in all things. Peace is gifted to us. After all, people find it difficult to suffer when they are too busy discovering good things.

Do you want to achieve success in your life?

I live a chaotic life. I have struggled to find myself, who am I, and why fate and luck are not in my favor. I think about the princes and princesses, the wealthy people and why wasn’t I given more opportunities in fate and destiny.

Does it matter? I contemplate occasionally, and in practicing Rule 1: Embracing Self Determination As Your Purpose in Life, I have learned that I am the luckiest person there is on earth. Life is how you perceive it to be. It is neither good nor bad. I realized that every individual goes through life differently. It does not matter what your socioeconomic status is. Life can be challenging due to societal norms, what we see every day around us, and the things we hear and experience. However, we can choose to live life wisely and to find happiness while living. That I can and should do.

Therefore, I realized that in order to find the truth, one that inspires me of this beautiful world is to attain the wisdom of nature’s formation. It would be dull if everything we see is just white or just black. Isn’t it beautiful that the world is filled with different colors, flavors, and spices for us to enjoy? These differences are equally just as good as how it was intentionally created.

In the process of self-determination, inner contemplation requires great wisdom as well… yes… wisdom is the underlying characteristic of living a successful life. To me, success in life refers to living happily and taking care of my well-being, as well as others around me. I regard this as being human. To reframe my mind and heart, I need wisdom. Wisdom is not easy to practice, nor is it difficult to abide by in our daily lives. Wisdom is the highest attainment that everyone should seek in life. But, what is wisdom?

In order to attain wisdom, one may abide by the ’33 Rules For Life’. Furthermore, one must also live a virtuous life. Therefore, virtue lies within the ’33 Rules For Life’ [the path to ultimate wisdom].

Everything is created to live for a reason. They have a duty, a responsibility, and a role to play in their lifetime. There is no need to compare but a need to understand that everything and everyone is equal in the judgment and the eyes of ‘The One’. Therefore, the questions of who am I, and the opportunities in fate and destiny are wasteful thinking.

Let me explain. Let’s delve into the stories of how the ’33 Rules For Life’ works, and that ultimately leads to wisdom. It may well work for you, and to instill a contemplative thought into your family too. Discuss and engage with people but do not coerce into reasons unknown of their goodness.

The stories and thoughts shared in the book will help you gain a different perspective on life, joy, and happiness. We will discover how we can live a full, meaningful life by participating in key human experiences with compassion and acceptance.

Others may say that ‘the world is so beautiful, yet I did not see it’. Let me tell you that the world is so beautiful and you shall see it once you have reached the state of wisdom. This is when you choose to live harmoniously with everything around you. Therefore, we will see how we can take intentional steps to improve our connection with one another as well as our world at large.

I invite you to embrace the experiences shared in this book. Explore these rules for yourself and see how your heart resonates with them. May you find peace as you follow the path.

-In this book, ‘The One’ refers to the Creator of the Universe. You may call ‘The One’ by any name you wish, it does not matter. Every existence is created uniquely but equally, however, the tricks of the eyes and the mind viewed them as being different. It is simply a test of our moral virtue and acceptance. Everything is created by ‘The One’ — in one core-form, and, in due time, everything returns to ‘The One’.-

33 Rules For Life Master Your Emotions with Wisdom and Gratitude

To read more about the 33 Rules For Life, visit and click on the ‘Look Inside’ feature on Amazon. The 33 Rules For Life is suitable for everyone who seek wisdom in their life.



Nicssen Leong, PhD

A Retired Prof. of I.S., Passionate about Tech., Life, Relationships, & Metaphysics. Consultant at http://bit.ly/metaphysicssystems